We all try to be a bit of an enthusiast. Although we can’t always fit into the world that we live in today, we still strive every day to be healthy and fit and to keep up with our health and wellness. Sometimes it might mean working out eating healthier or walking five miles every day; however, we try to balance this out by exercising three days a week as well as eating nutrient dense foods and being more mindful of our nutrition. Here are some ways I do just that.
1. Nutrition:
Nutrition has long played a role in how we feel, which is why my list below includes nutritious options. A lot of this comes back to the fact we are taking nutritional supplements but also the way our body handles nutrients and what I think is important when it comes to nutrition. I like to say I do not like supplements and eat them when they are right for me. If something helps I will go ahead and use it and if not, I can try eating healthier foods.
These days many people focus on supplementing when it comes to nutrition and I think there should be a better distinction between nutrition and nutrition. So what exactly does having nutrition look like? It’s all about knowing what our bodies are designed to process a meal and then ingesting the correct amount of food based on nutrient needs when we need it to be, so we don’t overdo it (see above). You need to feel satisfied to make sure your body gets everything it needs. This is where nutrition in general becomes really important because if you are not getting enough nutrients then you don’t get the optimal performance from your body and that could contribute to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other things.
2. Exercise:
Exercise is essential for our overall health. Exercise is a great tool to help us stay active when it comes to keeping us healthy by helping us gain strength and mobility. All kinds of workouts exist and most of them get taught through programs like PPE and HIIT (high intensity interval training) to name a few. But these don’t work alone. Most people focus on exercise but only when it relates to their specific goals. I think we need to start thinking bigger than ourselves when it comes to the benefits of regular activities or even just moving throughout the day.
One example that fits into both is walking. Walking is a fantastic way to increase mobility both mentally and physically, and it gives you far more energy to push through everyday tasks. When walking is done regularly, the body metabolizes oxygen as glucose, giving us plenty of energy to run up hills, run down trees and even go on adventures with friends! Walkers are also more likely to get sleep and avoid obesity. Even if you are aware of the benefits of getting exercise and staying active you are missing out completely until you invest in yourself and take care of yourself.
3. Healthy Weight:
For a lot of us, the idea of weight loss seems daunting at times but it isn’t actually as difficult as some may tell you. I like to believe that when we talk about weight loss and lose weight this is kind of part of a myth. As humans, we constantly gain weight each day. However, as a fat person, I think it is crucial to know when to stop and weigh yourself each morning and weigh yourself after eating and drinking a good meal. Some examples of measuring weight include determining your BMI or Body Mass Index. In order for your BMI to be less than 25 you are underweight; 25.1-29.9 for overweight, 30-36 for obesity or 40+ for being obese.
Also, there are different types of weight scales such as the FDA approved scale, called the “Body Fat Scale,” which measures your waist circumference and a common scale for measuring belly fat, called the “Body Fatty Scale.” The BMI scale is more practical to use but most importantly more accurate. The measure of your physical health is extremely significant. Knowing your BMI or BMI ranges puts you near the risk level of heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, diabetes, osteoporosis and more. Having those numbers is the first step in becoming wiser and healthy!
4. Brain Health:
Another important area to consider is brain health. There are a number of factors in one’s diet and lifestyle that play a part when it comes to brain health. Studies have shown that there has been an alarming decline in brain development since childhood. Learning about your diet and brain health can help combat this decline. Eating the wrong type of meals and avoiding junk food can help ensure your kids have healthy brains and brains that aren’t damaged by bad nutrition can help fight against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
Not only does nutrition play a huge role in brain health but exercise, sleep and daily movement are other contributors. As I mentioned before these are very much needed for overall health. To maintain a healthy brain one needs sleep and movement during the day. Sleep allows for a deeper connection between the mind and its functions. Movement helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces stress hormones like cortisol, improves blood flow to the brain and makes us feel better about ourselves.
5. Diabetes Prevention:
When we talk about diabetic prevention we often talk about medication. While medications have become incredibly popular over the last couple of decades it’s important it doesn’t take away too much from the importance of being proactive in terms of managing our diabetes and heart health. We all know how important it is to pay attention to heart health but did you know that being proactive in one’s diabetes prevention can help decrease insulin resistance even when we aren’t taking medicine? Because of this, it can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 30%.
Being proactive about diabetes prevention can help decrease the risk of developing Type II Diabetes by up to 60%. If we avoid certain cancers and develop healthier diets at a younger age we can also keep the risk at bay. Diabetes prevention is vitally important and if we can’t make changes now then life and longevity will suffer as we become older. With a healthy diet and activity habits you can make any progress to prevent diabetes and I think it’s no surprise that so many people opt for these strategies.
6. Skin Cancer Prevention:
One of the biggest things when looking at preventing skin cancer (which is the leading cause of death) is that it takes time and effort to achieve. One of the reasons I’m not entirely convinced that prevention is possible is due to the fact that our personal habits can have a profound impact on developing skin cancers. Our lifestyles are highly dependent on both genetics and environmental influences.
Many studies show that diet, obesity, smoking, and some medications such as corticosteroid drugs have led to higher rates of skin cancers. Any amount of time spent on unhealthy habits can lead to cancer and these are among the top 7 ways to protect your skin. First, eat healthy foods that you can easily find in a healthy neighbourhood like fruits and veggies, whole grains, vegetables and low fat dairy. Second, cut back on alcohol and cigarettes (if you smoke at all) and third limit smoking completely. Finally, drink plenty of mineral water, which removes toxins through sweat, helps remove toxins and boosts your immune system. Make sure you drink lots of water to ensure that you are hydrated and therefore protecting yourself from toxins like the ones from your skin.
As a reader, try not to get offended, while accepting the fact that people like him are the norm as opposed to the exception. Why are they doing anything other than trying to maintain a world in which they can live without fear? People like him are doing quite well at least for themselves. This is why he’s a jerk, not a politician. Also, read the full post below.
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